s Fully Digital Operation
Fig. 1 Pin connections
– top view (not to scale)
s Interfaces with Most Microprocessors s Wide Power-Frequency Range s 12-Bit .
In addition, any symmetrical wave shape can be integrated on-chip to order.
AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 WR* (R/W†) RD* (DS†) A.
Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 Intel: WR Motorola: R/W Intel: RD Motorola: DS Intel: ALE Motorola: AS Type I I I I I I Function Multiplexed Address/Data Multiplexed Address/Data Multiplexed Address/Data Multiplexed Address/Data Multipl.
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